Welcome to the homepage for the conference New Trends in Algebra, Geometry and Homotopy Theory, a conference in honor of Alejandro Adem's 60th birthday,
that will take place from November 28th to December 2nd, 2022.
This conference will consist of a series of lectures on recent developments in algebra, geometry and homotopy theory. Our speakers are experts in
these areas, who are opening and leading new research directions. In this event we wish to appreciate the contributions of Alejandro Adem to mathematics, academia, society and science in general, by bringing together people who took part in these aspects of his life.
Registration is needed in order to attend this conference. To register, please head to the Registration tab. The deadline is September 30th, 2022. If you need support to attend, please let us know in the form. But note that even though we expect to provide lodging support for a considerable number of participants, our budget is limited, and quite more limited for travel support.
This is a hybrid conference. In-person participants must follow the current COVID sanitary measures. As of now, the use of face masks is no longer mandatory but they can be used by those who so desire. We particularly recommend its use by people with health conditions which put them at extra risk and by people with respiratory illness symptoms. The talks will be broadcasted live using the platform Bluejeans for the online participants.